
How To Create A Content Management System In Asp Net

Content Management System developed and written in ASP.NET, ADO.NET and C# comes under the category of web data management project. It utilizes Microsoft SQL Server for storing content, and the software is useful for managing content to be hosted on websites. This content management software can be developed in ASP.NET, VB.NET and Java programming languages. The overall concept used here is useful for different government, education, private and other websites.

You can find full project report, codes and project files for this software development project or final year project in the downloaded file. The project report contains all the necessary documentation needed to run this software. Below, I have introduced the project report of this software project, and some features.

Download Content Management System ASP.NET Project with Source Code and Installation Instructions


Download Content Management System ASP.NET Project with Source Code and Installation Instructions


About Content Management System:

The project report contains the following documentations as listed below. Here, I have just introduced them; you can find details about them in the downloaded file.

A) Overview of CMS.NET

B) Installing CMS.NET:

It involves the following:

  1. Installing CMS.NET Application Code

    To install the code of CMS.NET, copy the entire CMSNET directory structure from the downloaded zip file to the directory C:\Inetpub\wwwroot, and follow the remaining steps as given in the project report. Here, you don't need to register DLLs and copy code to special locations.

  2. Configuring IISContent Management System Software in ASP.NET
  3. Creating and Loading the CMSNET Database
    Creating and loading CMSNET database can be done in various way; it can even be done the long way by entering everything by hand. But, in this Content Management System Software, creating and loading database can be done in three easier ways as listed below:
    • Using Visual Studio.NET
    • Using Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Manager
    • Using Microsoft Query AnalyzerContent Management System Software in ASP.NET
  4. Running CMS.NET Setup

    You don't have to do anything special to run the CMS.NET setup procedure; simply access the CMS.NET's administration website. This can be done in two ways (read more about the CMS.NET Setup in project report).


Content Management System Software in ASP.NET

The login includes entering the administration website by entering username and password. You can add users, and each of them can be given different roles to play.

In context of content, the content management system software as a web based application allows creating a story, viewing it and updating it. It also features creating a note, which is simple but can provide a lot of functionality if used correctly.

After creating, viewing and updating the content, it is ready to be submitted to editors. The content can then be edited, withdrawn, returned to the author or approved. There are also features for cancelling the content, deploying content and prioritizing content.

Content Management System Software in ASP.NET

And lastly, there's a feature related to starting and stopping the website. You can do this from the Utilities and Site Start/Stop menu items on the NavBar. It will give you options – "Bring Site Up?" and "Bring Site Down?"

Two modules can be found in content management system project software. The difference between the two is that one is used before the data is updated to database, whereas the other is used after updating the data to website.

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Course Management System
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More ASP.NET Projects

Content management system is a software development project in ASP.NET which can be used as final year project. Content Management System software can prove to be important for securely managing data, and effectively working out all the features described here. Read more about the software in the project report.

How To Create A Content Management System In Asp Net


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